XIth century
XIIth century
- Héder : Palatine of Hungary (1162-1164), royal judge (1150–1157)
- Leusták Rátót : Voivode of Transylvania (c. 1176-1196)
XIIIth century
- Ivánka de genere Peech (Cseklészi family) : Governor
- Abrahamus rufus (Cseklészi family) : Count of Cseklész
- Miklós (Dároi family) : Governor of Vás County
- Héder : Governor of Györ County
- Hunt (Csery family): Count
- Stephen I Gutkeled : Palatine of Hungary (1246-1248), Judge Royal (1245-1246),
Ban of Slavonia (1248-1259) , Master of the horse (1242-1245) - Paul Gutkeled : Ban of Severin or Slavonia
- Farkas Kacsics : Master of the cupbearers
- Mihály Kacsics : Ban of Slavonia (1212), Voivode of Transylvania (1209-1212), governor of Bihar County (1209)
- Detre Balassa Gyarmati : Governor of Zólyom County
- Biter of Gyarmat : Governor of Zólyom County
- Péter Járai (Váradjai family) : Vice-voivode of Transylvania (1345-1349, 1359-1368)
- Ratot : Governor of Somogy County
- Jakab Ruszkai : Vice-governor of Ung County
- Reynold Básztély (Rozgony family) : Palatine of Hungary (1289)
- Gilét Zsámboki : Master of cupbearers
- Smaragdus II Zsámboki : Judge Royal (1205-1206)
- Mikód II Kökényesradnót : Ban of Severin (1275-1276)
XIVth century
- Miklós Szécsi : Palatine of Hungary (1385–1386), Judge royal (1355–1358, 1369–1372 and 1381–1384), Master of the stewards (1342–1346), Ban of Croatia and Dalmatia (1346–1349, 1358–1366, 1374–1375 and 1376–1380), Ban of Slavonia (1346–1349, 1366–1368 and 1372–1373), Ban of Severin (1350–1355)
- Jóka Cseklészi : Count of Cseklész
- János Csaholyi : Governor of Szolnok County
- Dósza Debreceni : Palatine of Hungary (1322), Voivode of Transylvania (1318-1321), Governor of Satmár, Szabolcs and Bihar Counties
- Pal Debreceni : Vice-governor of Szabolcs county
- Tamás Semsey : Command of Spiš castle (1318-1322), Vice-governor of Szepes County
- Gergely Egudi : count
- Iharus (Egudi) : count
- Mikód III Kökényesradnót : Governor of Nógrád County
- Mihály Zeleméri : Governor
- Péter Zeleméri : Vice-governor
- Péter “Rufus” Apponyi : Governor of Nitra County
- Zaad of Libelle : Lubelle’s captain
- Miklós Széchy de Felsőlendva : Palatine of Hungary (1385-1386)
- Péter Széchy de Felsőlendva : Vice-governor of Norgrad County
- Tamás Szécsényi : Voivode of Transylvania (1321-1342), Judge Royal (1349-1354), Master of the treasury (Tárnokmester) (1320-1321), Governor of Csongrád (1330), Szolnok (1321-1342), Szeben (1324), Arad (1330-1342) , Nógrád (1334-1343), Trencsén (1338-1342), Bács/Szerém (1318-1321), Abaúj/Heves/Borsod/Gömör/Szepes (1342-1342), Turóc (1350-1354), Keve et Krassó (1346-1350)
- Kónya Szécsényi : Ban of Croatia and Dalmatia
- Vid Raszkay : Vice-governor of Szatmár
- Lóránd Raszkay : Vice-governor of Szabolcs
- Miklós “Kont” Ujlaki : Palatine of Hungary (1356-1367)
- Tamás of Tyva : count of Ryva
- Merk of Ryva : count of Ryva
- Miklós Balassa of Gyarmat : Governor of Kapuvár
- Balázs of Gyarmat : Commandant of Kapuvár
- János Wáradjai (Váradjai family) : Vice-voivode of Transylvania (1396)
- Domokos Várdai of Kisvárda : Governor of Abau County
- János Várdai of Kisvárda : Governor of Bihar County
- János Perényi : Vice-governor of Sopron County
- Dezsö Vak Rátót ! Vice-governor of Borsod
- Pósa (Pósa de Szer family) : Governor of Krasso County
- Máthyás Elefánti : count
- Lörinc “Tót” Újlaki : Master of the Treasure, Ban of Slavonia
- Miklós Zsámboki : Palatine of Hungary (?-1356)
XVth century
- Antal Erdélyi de Somkerék : Vice-governer of Sáros County (1406-1408)
- János Csaholyi : Governor of Kraszna county
- István Erdélyi : Vice-voivode of Transylvania (1462-1465, 1476)
- Mátyás Rakovsky : Vice-governor of Turócz County
- Pál Perneszy : Vice-palatine of Hungary
- Antal Csery : Vice-governor of Hont County
- László Zeleméri : Director of salt economy
- Lórand Lépes-Váraskeszi : Vice-voivode of Transylvania (1415-1438)
- Oszwald Korláthkeöy de Bucsány : Vice-ban of Macso
- István Mikola : Vice-voivode of Transylvania (1456-1458)
- János Gersei : Governor of Zala and Vas Counties
- Franck Szécsényi : Voivode of Transylvania, Judge royal, governor of Arad, Csongrád, and Szolnok Counties (1393–1395)
- Jodok Justh of Kusan : Capitain of Véglyes’s castle
- Domokos Bethlen of Iktár : Ban of Szörény
- Miklós Szunyogh ofBelse and Jeszenyicze : Vice-governor of Abau county
- Miklós Várdai of Kisvárda : Master of the treasury
- Miklós Várdai of Kisvárda : Master of the Horse
- Dezsö Serkei : Master of the treasury
- Imre “Székely” Derencsényi : Governor of Gömör County
- Gál Széchy de Gálszécs (?-1413) : governor of Zólyom
- Simon Rozgonyi : Judge royal
- György Rozgonyi : Judge royal
- Mátyás Elefánti : count
XVIth century
- János Okolicsányi : Vice-governor of Lipto County
- Péter Okolicsányi : Vice-governor of Lipto County (c. 1562-1577)
- Sebestyen Okolicsányi : Vice-governor
- László Csery : Nobles’ judge of Hont County
- Márton Andrássy de Csíkszentkirály : Royal councillor
- Kelemen Rozson : Official of Trenscén County
- Kristóf Ordódy: Vice-governor of Trenscin County
- Imre Elefánti : Vice-governor of Nitra County (1572–1573 and 1578–1580), commander-in-chief of the noble military levy
- István Pongrácz de Szentmiklós : Captain of Szakolca
- János Pethö de Gerse : Master of the doorkeepers (1518-1521)
- Balász Raszkay : Master of the treasury
- Ferencz Justh of Neczpál : Vice-governor of Turócz County
- László Balassa of Gyarmat : Commandant of Kapuvár
- Gáspar Pongrácz : Lord of Ovar
- Pongrácz I : Captain of Szakolca
- Ferenc Révay of Sklabina and Blathnicza : Governor of Turócz County
XVIIth century
- László Semsey : Colonel
- János Okolicsányi : Vice-governor of Arval County
- Pál Szontagh : Judge of Iglo County
- Péter Andrássy of Csíkszentkirály : Baron
- István Ordódy of Ordódy and Alsólieszkó : Vice-palatin of Hungary, Governor
- Gáspár Ordódy : Treasure councillor
- Pál Madocsányi de Horócz : Vice-governor of Trencsén County
- Theodosius Sirmiensis : Vice-governor of Trencsin County
- Miklós Pongrácz : Vice-governor of Lipto County
XVIIIth century
- István Váradi : Judge of nobles (főszolgabíró)
- Zsigmond Kelcz of Fületincz : Vice-governor (alispan) and diete’s member (orszaggyulesi köve)
- Sándor Winkler : General procuror of Sáros County (főügyésze)
- Michael Toth Soky : Hussard Lieutenant
- Pál Semsey : Vice-governor of Abauj County
XIXth century
- Joannes Toth : Vice-judge of nobles (alszolgabíró) of Abauj County
XXth century